March Madness Vs. March Forward Blogging Journey

It seems like this Siteseroo site is inching forward at a snail’s pace. And it is March already, the third month of the year. You blink once and March madness can overtake you in an instant.

Hello March doodle book page

Blink some more and get ready to march forward with gusto and excitement! Yippeeee Yahoooooo!

And as I drag myself out of New Year mode, and having now disciplined myself to write 2024 instead of last years, I find myself writing this other blog post in the blogging journey series. And my project tasks list seems like it goes on and on and on infinito.

But, it is all good. I like what I’m doing, and I am doing it regardless and this is so going to be my best year to date for sure!

March forward and ever onwards, solopreneurs! Don’t get squashed by the March madness of the moment.

Do your thing, keep at it until it’s done. Rinse, repeat and scale up!

I got my AI friend on the side. Just signed up to an interesting AI course that will definitely uplevel my content creation skills sets as I master another best and right way to utilize AI, its ChatGPT, and related tools for my blogging and online business.

And yes, while also maintain, and grow my stash of niche sites for future website flipping. And while also, on the side, put out some digital products and starter website templates for sale on Siteseroo’s digital store.

All of that and the whole shebang coming soon.

Tomorrow is the fourth of March, the first month anniversary of Siteseroo blog.

One Rose bloom for you

What has been done since?

A lot.

This site blog is now including this post, 5 posts deep, and getting better at doing its thing.

And this reminds me about something. I’ve been reading this guy’s emails…. sorry forgot his name, and all for the readability aspect of its content.

Short and easy on the eyes. And pretty well done too, since he can really say much with less words. That is his mojo, content, and he can deliver it very well with better assimilation by others than most.

I mean I’ve opened other people’s emails… and go … YIKES! Here lies emails that were written for Liliputians, mini people, with sharp eye sights.

Really? You want me to read all that?


I’m so not reading super long, compacted, small, itty bits of content that look like thorns.

And so I’ve enlarge the fonts used on this site and will use more space and try to get to the point with each blog post and content shared. LOL! Ha haaa…

And yes, get into the habit of writing at least four blog posts per month.

I know I will post more than that once my content creation base is set up. And for now, you are being punished to read this ‘whatever’ post just to fill up the Blog.

It is a blogging the journey post and so it is meant to be chatty and I hope somewhat helpful for anyone wanting to read ad nauseam some other blogger’s what’s going on in their life and business.

I promise, that other content that are more meaty and informational and related to starter website templates, blogging, online business, solopreneurship, and hopefully site flipping, will also be forthcoming.

And yes, yes…. the Extra Divi Elegant themes super steal offer will be coming very soon + other digital mini products. Will there be takers? We’ll see.

I’m just happily blessed to be chatting along as Winnie Roo. And she would say after punching some mega punches… Let’s DO it! Yes, we CAN!

Win Roo - Siteseroo Boxing Kangaroo Avatar

“Just ROO it!” Re-Optimize Optimum whatever you are doing!”

-Winnie Roo

And in case you haven’t figured out who this boxing Roo with a crown is, go read Siteseroo’s about me page. Yours truly by the amazing talents of AI via Nightcafe.

And in other positive news from TwitterX verse. Here is another beautiful quote from our friends from Posi Mindset Vibes via @PosiMindsetVibe on X:

Victorious Rose Despite Challenges By PosiMindsetVibes at TwitterX

Thanks for keeping up with me. Take care and until next time. And don’t forget, connect with me on socials… and let us win win together regardless of the challenges and madness out there.

Your rosy friendly pal,
Winnie Roo

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