Siteseroo Blogging Journey Begins

My blogging journey with this Siteseroo website has began. Officially, my start date is February 04, 2024 when this site went live on the internet.

I can do this on track and can make it quote

2-4-24 is the Siteseroo’s anniversary date. Yay!

I can’t believe that finally this blog site is online. it has been about a year since I registered this domain. And somehow a year and some months has passed by.

Having a plan and excited about it is not enough. Taking action and completing the tasks needed to bring about a desired outcome is crucial and needed.

I can say much about what has gone before, but that can deflate the positive mood to some degree if you tend to dwell on what cannot be changed. It is highly recommended by many to look forward and do better.

I’ve learned valuable lessons and I’m taking steps to improve especially for this year and beyond!

That is all I can do. And I’m very grateful for all my blessings and for all the amazing plans and projects on my plate. I can certainly look forward for more and for greater results.

“I can do this. Even on the track, [internet space] I can make it!” – Siteseroo

January 2024
/Done – ROO Siteseroo website blog: Restart, rebrand, reset Optimize Optimum strategy accomplished – site is live and online.
/Done – Connected Siteseroo to social media accounts
/Done – 2024 Plan

February 2024
/Done – Joined a 1 year coach/mentor program.
/Done – Completed a planner printable freebie from a Planner Creation Challenge.
/WIP – First special launch offer – Extra Divi Elegant Themes Starter Website
/WIP – Prep Digital Shop
/WIP – [product] Kadence starter sites series
/WIP – [product] Payhip stores series – Done For You store
/WIP – [products] More coming soon

*** Special last minute addition to the plans > joining a challenge and a coaching and mentoring program.

I’m happy to share that I started an Planner Creation Printable Challenge, and this will last for 7 days. I’ve already completed my 6 page printable planner freebie ahead of schedule for one of my niche sites. It looks absolutely amazing!

I’ve learned a new skill with Canva and I will continue to learn and upgrade my designing skills.

I will make it and run to the finish line quote

If you are interested in learning more about Canva, then check out the Free Canva tutorial – see the link in the Resource Library.

Also, I have joined a business coaching program too! Yay! And it will last for a year. This is my first coach/mentor program so I’m hoping it is a good fit and one that can help me get things done in a timely manner.

Choosing the right coach or mentor is a given factor for amplifying success. So far, I’ve enjoyed her printable challenge and I think having her as a coach will yield greater results.

I plan on creating amazing bonuses, freebies, printables or lead magnets that go with my niche websites for site flipping or starter sites and other digital products for sale on Siteseroo’s Digital Shop.

“I will make it! One step and another easy peasy” – Siteseroo

So that is that.

I now have a base platform where I can blog and or just be. I hope I can connect with other bloggers or printable sellers and network for a stronger community of online small business owners that work hard towards their goals.

My Twitter account is pretty solid. Find me there and let’s connect. I’m always looking for worthy posts to RT so do friend me on Twitter.

Run and keep running and reach the goal quote

My Facebook page is live as well. If you’re on FB, then give me a thumbs up and like if you can. I will return the favor with your store or site’s FB page.

My Pinterest account still needs set up, but it is ok for now. The more blog posts and products I’ll have, the more worthy pins will go that way. Pin and connect with Siteseroo on Pinterest too.

So there, I’ve completed my first blogging journey post by just chatting away. I still have lots of things to do and I’m enjoying the process and the adventure of it all.

May this year be fruitful and blessed with successful and profitable results!

And always remember that no matter what, you can do it!

As Siteseroo’s favorite kangaroo, Winnie Roo, would say, ” Just ROO it!

Take care and I’ll see ya next time!

Run! And keep running towards the goal – Siteseroo

Your friendly solopreneur on the blogging journey,
Winnie Roo

Siteseroo blogs her online business journey

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